If you need immediate medical attention, visit your nearest hospital emergency department or call 911.
Doctors at U of T
On the St. George campus, you can see a doctor or mental health clinician at the Health and Wellness Centre in-person or virtually. They provide the same services as your family doctor plus counselling and psychiatric services.
- Location: 700 Bay St., 12th and 14th Floors
- Schedule an appointment: By phone at 416-978-8030 ext. 2 (medical clinic) or ext. 5 (mental health clinic
Services available at the Health and Wellness Centre
- Health check-ups
- Allergy care
- Mental health services
- Counselling and therapy
- Tobacco cessation
- Nutrition counselling
- Birth control
- Medical abortions
- Emergency contraception
- Gender-affirming care
- Immunizations
- Flu clinics
- and many other services
Other healthcare professionals on campus
Doctors off campus
If you need to see a doctor or healthcare professional outside of U of T hours, you can visit a walk-in clinic or a hospital. Visit the Health and Wellness website for a list of clinics near campus.