Whether you want to host an event or you want to try solving a social issue, don’t let funding get in the way of your innovative ideas! There are many ways to apply for financial support.
Dean’s Student Initiatives Fund
- Provides funding for student initiatives that aspire to create dialogue and foster a greater sense of community through special events, lectures, or other forms of community engagement
- Who can apply: Undergraduate Arts & Science students or student groups
- Amount: Maximum $1000
- Application Deadline: October
Research Funding
- Available to students from various sources
- Who can apply: All U of T students interested in research
- Amount: Varies
- Application Deadline: Varies
Undergraduate Research Fund
- Provides support for research initiated by students which is related to their degree. This research can be part of a regular course, an independent study, a research essay or an academic project.
- Who can apply: Undergraduate Arts & Science students
- Amount: Varies
- Application Deadline: February
Hart House Good Ideas Fund
- Provides funding for initiatives, events, projects and ideas that draw attention to an issue or build community. Proposals must fall into one of three categories: Arts and Culture, Dialogue Initiatives or Wellness.
- Who can apply: All U of T student groups
- Amount: $1000-$2000
- Application Deadline: Currently on hold
Student Initiative Fund
- Offers financial support to projects that enhance the student experience and foster a sense of community
- Who can apply: Any U of T student or student group on the St. George campus
- Amount: Maximum $3000
- Application Deadline: January, April, September
Community-Engaged Initiative Grant
- Supports student-led community-engaged learning projects that aim to strengthen student and community partnerships in the Greater Toronto Area and Peel Region
- Who can apply: Students and student groups from the St. George campus
- Amount: Maximum $1000
- Application Deadline: Currently on hold
College-Specific Funds
Most colleges offer grants for student initiatives. A few examples are listed below. Check with your college registrar about funds for your idea.