With tuition fees, living expenses, textbooks and computers, you may need a little bit of financial help. Financial aid is one way to get help to pay for your education. Financial aid can include lines of credit, needs-based bursaries, provincial student loans, scholarships, etc.
Click on the options below to see the types of financial aid you may be eligible for.
There are many types of financial assistance available to Ontario residents. These range from loans to grants. If you are unsure about your options, you can speak with a financial counsellor at your College Registrar’s Office.
- OSAP: If you are an Ontario resident, you may be eligible for the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). Through this program, you can get grants or financial loans to support your education. You don’t have to pay back the money you received as a grant, but the loans will have to be paid back after you finish your studies. The loan remains interest-free while you are a full-time student. You can use the OSAP aid estimator to calculate how much financial aid you may be eligible for.
To apply: Government of Ontario website - UTAPS: If you have received OSAP but it is not enough to cover your expenses, you may be eligible for funding from the University of Toronto Advanced Planning for Students (UTAPS). Funding from UTAPS fills the financial gap for full-time students who have reached the maximum OSAP funding and need more funding to cover university costs. Review your eligibility on the University Registrar’s Office website.
- Need-Based Bursaries: College Registrars’ offices provide financial planning advice as well as need-based bursaries to those who demonstrate eligibility. For more information concerning eligibility and the grant application on ACORN, contact your College Registrar’s Office.
- Emergency Assistance Grants: Emergency Assistance Grants are available to undergraduate and graduate students for academic expenses. You can apply for emergency undergraduate grants using the U of T Grant Application Portal.
- Lines of Credit: Your bank may be able to offer you a line of credit for a low interest rate. Lines of credit are a type of loan where you are charged interest on the amount you have used up.
To apply: Contact your bank - Scholarships: There are many scholarships available to Arts & Science students. Some are course-based while others are offered through the faculty or colleges.
There are many types of financial assistance available to Canadian students. These range from loans to grants. If you are unsure about your options, you can speak with a financial counsellor at your College Registrar’s Office.
Out-of-province student loans: Domestic students who are Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or protected persons from provinces or territories other than Ontario may be eligible for financial assistance from their provincial or territorial governments. Applications are usually available in late May or early June.
UTAPS: Funding from UTAPS provides funding to cover university costs. Review your eligibility on the University Registrar’s Office website. Students receiving out of province student loans must apply to be considered for UTAPS. Learn more about applying for UTAPS.
Need-based Bursaries: College Registrars’ offices provide financial planning advice as well as need-based bursaries to those who demonstrate eligibility. For more information concerning eligibility and the grant application on ACORN, contact your College Registrar’s Office.
Emergency Assistance Grants: Emergency Assistance Grants are available to undergraduate and graduate students for academic expenses. In addition, grants are available to assist students with unexpected expenses. You can apply for emergency undergraduate grants using the U of T Grant Application Portal.
Scholarships: There are many scholarships available to Arts & Science students. Some are course-based while others are offered through the Faculty or Colleges.
International students may be eligible for funding support from their home country. In addition, international students may be eligible for scholarships. If you are unsure about your options, you can speak with a financial counsellor at your College Registrar’s Office and check your home country’s financial aid programs.
- Emergency Grants: In case of an unforeseen financial emergency, you are encouraged to contact your College Registrar’s Office. You can also apply for emergency undergraduate grants using the U of T Grant Application Portal.
- Scholarships: There are many scholarships available to Arts & Science students. Some are course-based while others are offered through the Faculty or Colleges.
OSAP Appeals
Are you receiving less OSAP than you expected this year? Students can appeal their OSAP assessment. For more information, please visit The Ministry of Ontario website.
If you are eligible for an appeal, Enrolment Services can help students with their OSAP appeals submission. Whenever possible, it is best to submit any OSAP appeals before you apply for a need-based bursary at your college.