If you are going to complete your fourth credit by April, you will have to enrol in your program of study (formerly called Subject POSt) starting this spring! Your program may give you priority access to certain courses that are part of that program.
Program refers to a group of courses that you take in a specific subject area (e.g. History, Computer Science, Economics). You will have to fulfill all of the requirements of the program to graduate. The program you enrol in will determine which degree you receive:
- Honours Bachelor of Arts
- Honours Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Commerce degree

Specialist, Major, Minor
Programs come in three different levels. The main difference among them is the number of courses required.
- Specialist program: 10 credits – 14 credits
- Major program: 6 credits – 8 credits
- Minor program: 4 credits
Once you have completed 4.0 credits, you will not be able to enrol in further courses until you enrol in one of the following program combinations:
- 1 specialist
- 2 majors*
- 1 major + 2 minors*
*Programs must contain at least 12.0 different credits.
Note: You can enrol in a maximum of three programs. If you are enrolled in three programs, one must be a minor.
You can choose from a variety of program combinations and combine programs in the arts and the sciences. For example, you can combine:
- Computer Science major + Applied Mathematics major
- Psychology major + History minor + Cinema Studies minor
- Management International Business specialist
Quick tip: You can find specific program admission and completion requirements in the Arts & Science Calendar. Be aware that program requirements may change from year to year, and you must always follow the requirements listed in the Calendar for the academic year in which you are enrolling in a specific program.