Once you know what makes up the participation mark, you can try improving your participation mark and overall grades. Try these tips and resources to help you engage more in class:
Show up to class (on time)
It seems like a no-brainer, but you need to attend class. It’s also important to arrive on time. Being late may be interpreted by your classmates or instructor as disrespectful.
Listen to your peers
Be an active listener. Devote your full attention when someone is speaking, nod and make eye contact. Take lots of notes and ask reflective questions that come to mind.
Participate in group work
Learn more about your peers so you can capitalize on each other’s strengths to get the group work done efficiently. You’ll also want to be inclusive, distribute tasks and be accountable.
Offer opinions and take an active role
If you’re nervous speaking in class you may want to consider signing up for a public speaking club, Toast Masters or a presentation workshop through Student Life.
Be prepared
Take notes (to ensure you’re prepared for those pop quizzes and/or discussion questions) and complete your readings and assignments on time. Think of a few questions in advance that you may want to ask based on your readings. This will help you to feel more confident speaking in class.
Ask questions
Whether you’re posing a question in response to a discussion topic posted on Quercus or you need clarification, ask questions. This could mean stopping by your professor/TA’s office(s) during office hours, and speaking up during class.