When you cite your sources you give the author the credit they deserve, while also acknowledging that you understand their idea, and have something to add to the discourse. Here are some things to keep in mind while working on your assignments:
- Take note of the citation style that your prof has requested. Is it MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.? Each citation style has different requirements and nuances so familiarize yourself with the style that’s been selected.
- Know what constitutes as plagiarism. Ensure you know how to paraphrase appropriately, should you be summarizing an idea. Check out the smart strategies on the Academic Integrity website.
- Develop citing strategies. You’ll want to develop strategies in the “note-taking phase” or “time management” phases. Don’t just document the idea or quote, but also document your thoughts and feelings about the idea. After all, the prof will want to know the latter!
- Use Refworks. Refworks helps you organize your research and build a bibliography in a variety of styles and formats.
- Make an appointment with the Writing Centre. If you have questions regarding citing, crediting and creating your bibliography (or endnotes/footnotes) speak to an individual at one of the U of T Writing Centres.
- Ask your prof or TA. When in doubt, ask your professor or your TA.