
Meet to Complete (Online)

SSC Website AZ, Canada

JOIN LINK: HTTPS://UTORONTO.ZOOM.US/J/84635595047 (NO PASSWORD) Please make sure you sign in using your UToronto Zoom account. If you do not already have a UToronto Zoom account, you can activate it using the “Log into Zoom” option with your UTORid and password. BENEFITS OF JOINING A MEET TO COMPLETE SESSION: Work alongside your peers to stay […]


Meet to Complete (Online)

SSC Website AZ, Canada

JOIN LINK: HTTPS://UTORONTO.ZOOM.US/J/84635595047 (NO PASSWORD) Please make sure you sign in using your UToronto Zoom account. If you do not already have a UToronto Zoom account, you can activate it using the “Log into Zoom” option with your UTORid and password. BENEFITS OF JOINING A MEET TO COMPLETE SESSION: Work alongside your peers to stay […]


Meet to Complete (Online)

SSC Website AZ, Canada

JOIN LINK: HTTPS://UTORONTO.ZOOM.US/J/84635595047 (NO PASSWORD) Please make sure you sign in using your UToronto Zoom account. If you do not already have a UToronto Zoom account, you can activate it using the “Log into Zoom” option with your UTORid and password. BENEFITS OF JOINING A MEET TO COMPLETE SESSION: Work alongside your peers to stay […]


Meet to Complete (Online)

SSC Website AZ, Canada

JOIN LINK: HTTPS://UTORONTO.ZOOM.US/J/84635595047 (NO PASSWORD) Please make sure you sign in using your UToronto Zoom account. If you do not already have a UToronto Zoom account, you can activate it using the “Log into Zoom” option with your UTORid and password. BENEFITS OF JOINING A MEET TO COMPLETE SESSION: Work alongside your peers to stay […]


Meet to Complete (Online)

SSC Website AZ, Canada

JOIN LINK: HTTPS://UTORONTO.ZOOM.US/J/84635595047 (NO PASSWORD) Please make sure you sign in using your UToronto Zoom account. If you do not already have a UToronto Zoom account, you can activate it using the “Log into Zoom” option with your UTORid and password. BENEFITS OF JOINING A MEET TO COMPLETE SESSION: Work alongside your peers to stay […]


Meet to Complete (Online)

SSC Website AZ, Canada

JOIN LINK: HTTPS://UTORONTO.ZOOM.US/J/84635595047 (NO PASSWORD) Please make sure you sign in using your UToronto Zoom account. If you do not already have a UToronto Zoom account, you can activate it using the “Log into Zoom” option with your UTORid and password. BENEFITS OF JOINING A MEET TO COMPLETE SESSION: Work alongside your peers to stay […]